
Tsm 4 operations bugged
Tsm 4 operations bugged

tsm 4 operations bugged

Later, Lord Tion visited Alderaan and met the Organas. On Alderaan, Bail Organa told his foster daughter that Basso's story of a top secret Imperial weapons project supervised by Grand Moff Tarkin was confirmed to be truthful. There, Leia rescued a wounded Rebel soldier, Basso, who later revealed the existence of the first Death Star.

tsm 4 operations bugged

She was permitted to land by Commodore Lord Tion, head of the Imperial task force. However, her real objective was supporting the Ralltiiri resistance movement with heavy weaponry and military-grade equipment to fight the Imperial occupation troops. Ībout the same time, Princess Leia Organa went on a mercy mission to deliver medical supplies and equipment to the Ralltiiri High Council. An assault against that convoy resulted in the obtaining of Imperial communications satellites, which later transmitted the superweapon's schematics to the Rebel outpost AX-235 the Rebel spies who manned it learned about the definite existence of the Death Star. Examining the ship's documents, the Alliance learned of the existence of a convoy of weapons near Orron III. The Alliance rescued Wookiee slaves on their transfer on Toral. Meanwhile, R2-D2's investigations of the Imperial computer networks led him to uncover evidence of an "Imperial superweapon", rumors confirmed through further inquiries among the galaxy's underworld. Rumors about the existence of a massive Imperial construction began with the rescue of the Genue Rebel escapees from the Stars' End secret prison facility informed the Alliance about Wookiee slaves working for a secret project. Operation Skyhook was launched shortly after their escape and the death of Galen Marek. They became aware of the Death Star's existence but were not fully aware of its true nature. In 2 BBY, the Rebel leaders Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and Garm Bel Iblis were captured by Darth Vader and conducted to the battlestation.

Tsm 4 operations bugged